Monday, November 28, 2005

Anniversaries, and Thanksgiving, and lost jobs, oh my...

Fair warning: This post is going to be sad and depressing...

I'll start out with anniversaries. This month (November) is the anniversary of when I first started my blog. It was November 23, 2004 that I started flinging my tiny thoughts out into the internet ether. Now I never thought I would become Dooce, or Tertia or grrl, but I thought I might have a few people who tuned in on my less-than-regularly scheduled brain farts. I just wish someone would leave a comment or two. *sigh* I feel as though I am talking to myself. I will keep plugging away because I am just foolish that way. But, hey! If you're out there, gimme some feedback already!!

Geez, what a whiner I am. There are starving people in the world without internet access at all!! There are even poor people who must use dial-up. DIAL-UP!

Poor buggers...

Okay, on to Thanksgiving. This must rank as one of the crappiest Thanksgiving holidays I have ever had the misfortune to experience. My marriage has passed from merely being unpleasant to being depressing and horrible. We need some serious marriage counselling and B seriously needs a class in anger management.

Which brings me to lost jobs. B has cost me yet another job. He sent an email to my last employer which cost me my job and I had an excellent interview on Tuesday before the holiday and was basically told that I had the job. They just wanted me to meet the big boss today before I got the big okay and could start. B sent an email (representing himself as me as he often does) and the agency called early this morning and cancelled the interview and the job opportunity. Lovely.

I am seriously depressed and sad. Marriage ending (possibly), jobless, Christmas approaching...

Crying now...god could it get any worse...??

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