Friday, March 04, 2005

Friday beginnings

I had just stepped out of the shower and was in front of the mirror applying all sorts of unguents to try to slow Time's onrushing chariot when I noticed that The Boy was in the shower stall on hands and knees scrubbing the bottom of the shower with my just-used washcloth. Now, normally I would not stem a budding house-cleaner in the making, but I had just gotten him dressed. His pants, those that I had to snag out of the dryer this morning, were soaking wet. Crap!

Lifting the now-crying, kicking child out of the shower, I pulled the washrag from his hand and put him on the floor where he collapsed into a whiny, wet pile.

Thank god it's Friday.


Anonymous said...

but on my back i always hear
time's winged chariot drawing near.

one of my favourite quotes!

i know the frustration of re-dressing, you did the right thing by just plopping him back on the floor again. i am sure he started sucking the washcloth and the whinging stopped.

Anonymous said...

but on my back i always hear
time's winged chariot drawing near.

one of my favourite quotes!

i know the frustration of re-dressing, you did the right thing by just plopping him back on the floor again. i am sure he started sucking the washcloth and the whinging stopped.

~Jan said...

Nice writing. Thanks for sharing.