2 * 30 = Frustration
Why is it that people can't think for themselves? Or take action proactively? Maybe I just don't suffer fools gladly.
I needed to refill a prescription. I was burned the last time when I refilled this prescription in that they only gave me 30 pills. The prescription was for me to take it 2 times per day which when I studied math would come out to 60 pills for a one month prescription. They blamed it that time on the insurance company, e.g. "the insurance company will only pay for 30 pills at a time" said the idiot behind the counter. Much arguing ensued about 'a one month supply' etc., hassle in coming back twice a month, HEY IT'S NOT SPEED OR BARBITUATES...IT'S BLOOD PRESSURE MEDICINE!!!.
Two weeks later (yesterday) I needed to refill the prescription again. I had called our insurance company and they said that they will gladly pay for 62 pills per refill. Armed with this information, we stopped at W*lgr@@n's again; the drive-thru, of course, because I was too lazy to get my fat ass out of the car and walk the 200 steps to and from the pharmacy.
The discussion went thusly:
Me: I need to pick up a prescription for me.
Idiot Behind the Glass (IBG): Okay.
(a few minutes later)
IBG: Okay that will be $5.00
Me: (handing over credit card): Okay. Can you check the quantity please?
IBG: There are 30 pills.
Me: There should be 60. Two times 30 is 60.
IBG: The quantity says 30.
Me: Again, 2 times 30 is 60. The insurance company says they will pay for 62 pills per month. The doctor says to take it twice a day. How can I take it twice a day if you only give me enough for once a day? May I speak with your supervisor?
Pharmacist IBG: The quantity says 30.
Me: The doctor says twice a day. Can't you multiply 2 times 30?
PIBG: I can only give the quantity that it says to give.
Me: Can't you think for yourself? Couldn't someone call the doctor to clarify the discrepancy? Why is this so hard?
PIBG: Get your doctor to re-fax the prescription.
Me: Give me my credit card back and credit the $5.00 back to my account. I am not paying for half a prescription.
Now we have to go back again.
I am surrounded by idiots, fools and incompetents.