Our Christmas letter
December, 2004
This year has, once again, been a very eventful year for this little family. It started out on a very bad note. In January, a pipe broke in our beautiful home in Oregon and caused massive water damage; we are guessing $50-75,000 in damage. Not exactly the best way to start the year.
On a lighter note, E is continuing to grow and learn at an astonishing rate. He is now an active 2-year old, walking (okay, running) and talking, with ‘bear’, ‘cracker’, ‘cookie’, and ‘light’ being a few of his favorite words. He became a very well-traveled toddler this year with trips to Boise (twice), Portland, OR, Austin, TX (twice), a trip to Seattle to meet his Uncles Don & Dave, Aunt Sandy & cousins Michael & Mari as well as a move to Albuquerque.
Yes, we have moved to Albuquerque, NM. One of the main reasons for all the trips was that most of them were interview trips. I also made solo trips to Iowa (twice), Ohio (twice), Florida, and Pennsylvania. All of this traveling resulted in my securing a permanent position with Honeywell in Albuquerque and as such, I have given up the contract position I had with IBM in Tucson. That is a Good Thing.
We are currently renting a four-bedroom home in Albuquerque while we are getting our Oregon home fixed and ready to sell. B has been busy securing estimates for work to be done, packing, tossing and making repairs. All of the repairs so far have been made using our own funds and sweat equity. A big ‘thank you’ to B’s father, Duane, for his help as well as to B’s mother, Arlene, who cared for E for three weeks while I was at work.
Christmas will be spent with B’s family in Austin, TX. We have real reason to be Thankful this year as B’s father successfully underwent quadruple bypass surgery at Thanksgiving. Fortunately, his recovery is going very well. All of B’s siblings will be in Austin and so E will finally meet the rest of his family (cousins Ted & Tori, Uncle Tim and Aunts Patty and Tracy) as well as reacquainting himself with his Uncle Brad, Aunt Joanna and cousins Parker & Hayden.
Here’s wishing Happy Holidays to all and a Joyous New Year.